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How to Stay Resilient in your Job Search

The process of searching for a job can be a daunting one, especially in today's world where the competition is fierce and the job market is constantly changing. However, it is important to remember that job search is not just about finding a job, it's about finding the right job. The key to a successful job search is

resilience. It is essential to remain positive and keep pushing yourself even in the face of rejection. When you encounter rejection, take it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Use it as motivation to improve your skills and become even more competitive in the job market.

First, let’s look at what we mean by resilience. Generally, people consider others to be resilient when they:

- Have a positive outlook on life

- Easily deal with each difficult situations

- Don’t allow excessive negative emotions to rule over themselves during difficult times

Keeping resilient in your job search allows you to find the right job, without losing confidence along the way. It is also a vital skill to bring to any team, and will strengthen your career in the long run.

So how can we work on becoming more resilient? Well, it’s important to take a holistic approach to building resilience in ourselves. Below are some tips on how to stay positive and overcome rejection.

Practising self-compassion

When faced with a difficult rejection many feelings can come up for us, such as sadness, shame and fear. Whilst it is important to allow ourselves space to feel these emotions, we should also ensure that we don’t wallow in them. Positive affirmations are a great way to practise self-compassion. Try choosing an affirmation such as “I can overcome my obstacles” and repeating it to yourself. Another way to practise self-compassion is with mindfulness. Meditation allows us to differentiate our thoughts and feelings, which is important when faced with triggering situations like rejections during a job search. Try to meditate for ten minutes a day, working to identify with your feelings.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

It can feel self explanatory sometimes, but ensuring that you are in good health puts you in a much better position to deal with troubling situations. Maintaining a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly and avoiding alcohol allows you to keep a clearer head during your job search.

Work on your mindset

Try to reframe negative situations as challenges, this way you can work on cultivating a positive mindset when it comes to your job search. Rejection and criticism can feel like a threat to us, which generates feelings of fear. If you can view criticisms as a challenge to improve upon yourself whilst accepting that you might not please everyone, you can turn those fearful feelings into excitement and motivation.

Reach out to others

Finally, don't be afraid to seek support and guidance from friends, family, and career coaches. Job searching can be overwhelming at times, but having a support system in place can help keep you motivated and focused on your goals. A coach can help you navigate the job search process and provide you with valuable insights and advice. They can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and guide you towards the right opportunities. A coach can also help you stay accountable and focused, ensuring that you stay on track and make progress towards your goals. At Flourish, we offer career coaching to suit your needs, from writing your CV all the way to supporting you in your dream job. For more information and to book a free consultation call with Sarah, email

In conclusion, a successful job search requires us to be resilient. Don't let rejection deter you from your goals, but rather use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Utilise your available resources, develop a balanced lifestyle, and seek support when needed. With these tools in hand, you'll be well on your way to finding your dream job.



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